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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Oduro-Frimpong, Joseph
Naslov:Semiotic silence : its use as a conflict-management strategy in intimate relationships
Matična publikacija:Semiotica : journal of the international association for semiotic studies = Revue de l'association internationale de sémiotique / editor-in-chief Marcel Danesi. - Vol. 167- 1/4 (2007); str. 283-308
Impresum:Berlin, New York : Mouton de Gruyter
Napomena:49 bibl. jedinica
Sažetak:Communication scholars' early interest in the function of silence in human interactions produces different theorizations about the phenomenon. Contemporary interest is evidenced in a plethora of research exploring different domains of how silence is utilized in human interaction. Despite the sustained interest in the function of silence in human communication, there is a paucity of research examining how intimate partners use silence as a conflict-management strategy. Consequently, there is an impoverished understanding on how such couples manage their marital conflicts using silence. This study thus investigates how married couples use silence as a conflict management strategy in their relationships. Using qualitative paradigm - specifically the semiotic phenomenological perspective - and analyzing the research data through Lanigan's three-step methodology, I discover participants' experiences with silence in conflict situations with their spouses. The analysis reveals four themes that describe the experiences of married couples using silence as conflict-management tactic. Descussion of the themes reveals important findings as to how participants use silence in three ways to manage the inevitable conflicts that arise within their relationships.
Ključne riječi:semiotička fenomenologija * komunikacija * upravljanje konfliktom
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(upravljanje konfliktom )
